Are your soft breasts getting you down?
Let's be frank...Soft breast tissue is perfectly normal. Our bodies are always changing, especially women's; hormones, physical activity, genetics, ageing... there are plenty of contributing factors. We can't change the ageing process, below are some ways we can look after our breasts, but acceptance of the differences and embracing what our bodies actually do can inspire and lift us.
Wear sunscreen & moisturiser
The best way to prevent wrinkles for your boobs is to slip slop slap! Your daily routine for skincare, especially sunscreen, should cover your décolletage as it too gets exposed to dangerous UV rays. Use a high level SPF, re-apply frequently, and cover up if you're out and about in the sun so you don't get fried.
Always wear a sports bra when working out
The Cooper's ligament sits within the breast and connects to the tissue and surrounding chest muscles. It is critical to maintaining the shape and structure of your breasts, but it does not like excessive bouncing and because our breasts are made up of tissue and fat, there is no muscle to build. Wearing a well-fitted, comfortable, high impact sports bra while exercising is the key to minimising damage. You might also avoid giving yourself a black eye with a stray boob.
Here are some of our favourites:
Get yourself fitted for a good bra
Wearing a poorly-fitted bra can get you down, literally and figuratively. Get fitted every 12 months (at least!) to ensure your bras are doing their job, or sooner if you think you're not getting the right support.
Stand up straight!
A strong posture can also help your boobs fight gravity. Strengthening your core and upper back muscles and wearing a supportive bra can keep your posture in. Standing up straight with your shoulders back is a magical transformation, check in with your mirror - what you dislike may just vanish!
Weight Fluctuations
Weight gain and weight loss may have an effect on the firmness of your bust, and fluctuations are completely normal. Rapid weight loss doesn't give the skin the chance to shrink down with your cup size which can lead to breast changes. We always want to support your health and fitness goals but we are boob wizards, not medical experts; speak with your GP if this is a concern for you.
Keep hydrated
Drink lots of water! It's a scientific fact that the human body is a gazillion percent water. Adequate water will help your skin structure, promote elasticity, and can prevent your skin from looking tired. A healthy, well-balanced diet with plenty of veggies will help here too.
Fact: breastfeeding does not impact your bust firmness! It’s the hormones during pregnancy that will naturally cause your cup size to increase. This is due to your milk ducts expanding which is the culprit for a loss of fullness in the bust after pregnancy.
What we do know…
Soft breast tissue is perfectly normal as your body changes. We're huge advocates for the philosophy of focusing on what your body does for you, rather than what it looks like. This is known as body neutrality, it’s a mind changer. You might have acquired soft breasts from pregnancy, ageing, or simply living your daily life, try to embrace and accept them as a special part of your unique journey.